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Building opportunities from Inclusivitiy: designing inclusive and accessible bills

5 July 2024 | Walter Neeft

Discover practical strategies and key takeaways to help CSPs create bills that are clear, user-
friendly, and inclusive for all customers. Dive into our E-book to learn how embracing
inclusivity can drive innovation, enhance customer satisfaction, and unlock new revenue streams.

In this E-book, we look at how one of the most vital customer communications – the bill – can
be made more accessible and personalized to help meet CSPs’ inclusivity goals. Our
comprehensive guide covers:

  • Making bills usable by everyone
  • Understanding diversity, digital accessibility, and inclusion
  • The benefits of going beyond compliance
  • Supporting the visually impaired
  • Promoting digital literacy and inclusivity


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Walter Neeft, Chief Commercial Officer (CCO)

Walter Neeft is Calvi’s CCO and has been part of the Calvi team for over seven years. In this role, Walter focuses on strategically helping Communication Service Providers (CSPs) to utilize the enterprise billing experience, a critical element for service differentiation and customer lifetime value. 

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