Calvi and ETIS members collaborate in writing Digital Billing Manifesto

04 July 2018 | Jana van Dam

In April of this year, Calvi hosted the Smart Charging & Payments Working Group Gathering at its headquarters in the Netherlands. The SC&P Working Group looks at the latest challenges related to billing & payments, opportunities, and strategies as well as the main business drivers influencing the billing environment.

As part of the Gathering, attendees brought samples of invoices that they send to their customers, to facilitate their discussion on the ‘ideal invoice’. The session resulted in tangible feedback for the attendees but also resulted in feedback on their billing approach. As a result, the working group members expressed their desire to formulate a Digital Billing & Payments Manifesto. This Manifesto will cover topics such as the definition of digital billing and why CSPs should transform in this direction. It will also focus on the future of billing and the latest challenges & opportunities surrounding billing & payments.

As part of the SC&P Working Group, Calvi will facilitate the research that must be conducted. We will share our knowledge and thoughts on digital billing with the members of the Working Group and provide them with insights gathered from years of continuous research and innovation. Through our collaboration with different stakeholders within this industry, we aim to share our vision, knowledge and best practices. Additionally, we look forward to compare, research and discuss our similarities and differences in order to learn from each other and create movement within the industry.

Expected to be ready for the next meeting at the annual ETIS Community Gathering in Lisbon, we are excited to be part of this research initiative and are looking forward to the collaboration with the Working Group members and other interested parties.



About ETIS

Founded in 1991, ETIS is a non-profit association run by its Members. They bring together the major telecommunications providers in Europe to share knowledge in a trusted environment. Their goal is to enable their members to reach their strategic objectives and to improve their business performance by sharing knowledge on industry challenges and by collaborating where possible.

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