Calvi has successfully completed the AS4EDI eDelivery project
10 June 2020
Jana van Dam
Exciting news! After almost 18 months of hard work and dedication from all participants within the AS4EDI eDelivery project, we can now proudly announce that this project has been completed successfully.
The AS4EDI project is an eDelivery project, co-financed by the European Commission. Managed and coordinated by the University of Valencia and the LMT Group, six participants have been sharing their knowledge and expertise to successfully integrate the AS4 protocol into their certified PEPPOL Access Points.
A lot has happened since our last update
Since our last update, our team successfully completed and passed all CEF Connectivity and Interoperability tests. The successful completion of these tests means that our implementation of the AS4 Access Point is in conformance with the CEF eDelivery specifications and that it can communicate with the AS4 Access Points of the other participants.
By promoting the use of eDelivery, a large number of European entities will now be able to exchange electronic documents across borders based on the AS4 Profile. We look forward to facilitating this exchange across Europe.
The power of collaboration – thank you
On behalf of everyone at Calvi, we would like to thank Billit from Belgium, OpusCapita from Finland, Viaduct from Sweden, Generix from France, and NetEDI from the UK for their hard work and dedication throughout this project. A special thanks goes out to the University of Valencia and the LMT Group for their efforts in making sure that the project ran smoothly and efficiently.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Calvi and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.