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Calvi renews top EcoVadis platinum rating in a second consecutive year

9 July 2021 | Laura Broers

Calvi has been awarded with the EcoVadis' Platinum Certificate for the second consecutive year for our approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Management. With a score of 74/100, Calvi maintains its place among the top 1% of suppliers assessed by EcoVadis in our industry. We are extremely proud that we maintained our position and that we are being recognized for our effort to always do better!

Calvi is assessed by EcoVadis on a yearly basis. Thanks to our continuous efforts, we have been able to improve our score year upon year. We have a strong commitment towards our customers, employees, and the environment. Doing business sustainably matches our core values and perfectly aligns with our solution, which increases digital transformation and adoption in the Telecoms industry.

We are incredibly proud of our Platinum Certificate and will continue raising the bar when it comes to our sustainability efforts. If you would like to learn more about our CSR efforts, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

About EcoVadis

The EcoVadis sustainability assessment methodology is based on various ratings and scorecards. It evaluates how well a company has integrated the principles of Sustainability/CSR into its business and management systems. The EcoVadis methodology is built on international CSR standards, including the United Nations Global Compact, ISO 26000, and the Global Reporting Initiative procurement.

Laura Broers - Marketing Specialist - Calvi - low

Laura Broers, Marketing & Communications Specialist

Laura Broers is Calvi’s Marketing and Communications Specialist, joining Calvi after completing a degree in communications. With her passion for improving the billing experience, Laura is great at putting herself in the customers’ shoes to help CSPs think about how they can improve their billing communications.

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