EURINV project update: UBL file generation and import ready
18 January 2020
Jana van Dam
We are happy to announce that the EURINV eInvoicing project is running smoothly! There are still a few things that need to be done, but we’re confident that everything will be ready soon.
We’ll provide you with a short recap on the project and its goal. The EURINV project is co-financed by the European Commission within the CEF Telecom Program. The project was initiated as a result of EU Directive 2014/55/EU on electronic invoicing in public procurement. The Directive seeks to develop a European system ensuring interoperability among Member States of the European Union in order to facilitate public procurement and cross-border e-commerce. It aims to support the European EDI Providers in becoming fully compliant with the European Standard (EN) by upgrading their eInvoicing solutions. You can read all information regarding this collaboration initiative on the official website.
The status of the EURINV project
We are now able to generate and import UBL files and are able to support UN/CEFACT CII. Our biggest challenge is the fact that many companies still do their billing based on 4 decimals, which is not compliant with the European standard. As Calvi, we have taken this up with STPE and OpenPEPPOL, and are dedicated to developing a generic solution for this, so that the affected parties can also start eInvoicing without having to make large investments. We are currently working on improvements to facilitate the support of non-compliant file delivery. In addition to this, we have initiated meetings with our customers to discuss the implementation of our eInvoicing solution. This means that we will support multiple CIUSs.
Are you interested in learning more about our vision on eInvoicing or the EURINV initiative? Please don’t hesitate to contact us!
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Calvi and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.