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Outstanding customer experience: key in gaining customer loyalty!

6 August 2019 | Colette Grifhorst

How can we give customers the experience they are looking for?

Have you ever felt as if you were just a number? As one of a billion fish in the ocean with no distinctive characteristics and thus treated the same as all other species in the sea? Let’s now translate this into a person being part of millions of people with a mobile device, telephone line or other devices, all with different desires and expectations. Distinctive customer experience is the key driver to gain customer loyalty in this service-dominated economy. Just as in every other industry, this also plays a big role in the telecom industry. In the end, everyone wants to be treated like a VIP. How can we accomplish and facilitate outstanding customer experience? Let’s dive into your customers’ minds and give them the experience of a lifetime by keeping the following guidelines in mind. 

Keep up with your customer’s expectations

With the world progressing at high speed, where OTT-players are taking over and where self-service technology is no longer a request but an obligation, Calvi works hard to meet and exceed customer expectations. What is it an end-user really needs from their telecom operator? Businesses often tend to overlook their customers and fill in the blanks themselves. Not because they don’t care, but because they tend to forget that they need their brutally honest opinions. The customer journey doesn’t end with the right product or price. No, it ends with the right customer service, every single time! We need to listen to our customers and respond to their always evolving needs. Are you listening hard enough?

‘You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology – not the other way around’ – Steve Jobs

Increase customer satisfaction

In a study on customer experience measured through NPS, Telstra is mentioned as an example. Telstra is the leading provider of mobile phones in Australia. They invited more than 30.000 participants of NPS surveys and asked them more specific questions concerning their customer experience. Since NPS scores do not measure the entire customer journey but often only measure a customer’s final experience, these targeted questions helped the company to gain insight into displeasures and needs that lay beneath the surface. They did this to be able to make better suited business decisions, which resulted into a 17% increase in customer satisfaction and a 20% decrease in call center traffic.

Offer transparency and personalization (and increase your revenue)

Another study shows that companies that excel at customer experience can grow a 4%-8% revenue above their market.

How can we help you achieve the same potential revenue growth rates? Well, one could think of a proactive email notification with a personalized video to explain a customer’s first bill, as the first bill is a known call driver. Or, you could provide transparency concerning all bill details via an intuitive portal. If we look at the amazing results we’ve achieved through means of a personalized video we’ve created for one of our customers, the numbers don’t lie. Aside from an increase in NPS & customer retention and a reduction of calls to the service desk, only 2% of this CSP’s SME customers feel the need to log in on their online environment for additional information after watching the video.

As many consumer customers are not longing for complicated page-turning paper bills, we must be sure to formulate an answer to their demands. In some cases, the answer is astoundingly simple. Customers demand simplicity and transparency. By teaming up with our customer’s design team, we worked to eliminate all unnecessary content from the bill. If a customer still desires more information after receiving their new and simplified bill, they can view all bill details in the CSP’s mobile app.  As a result of this collaboration, we were able to decrease the number of calls to the service desk by an incredible 36%!

The demand for simplicity and increased transparency is one that resounds within most customer segments. Business customers should also receive simplified bills and be given the possibility to navigate to an online portal if they are in need of more detailed information. This saves time, decreases service desk calls and drives cost savings for you as well as your customers.

By offering a personalized bill communication solution, your customers get in control of their bills. Offering simplicity and creating transparency will enhance the customer journey experience in the best way possible!

The future of customer experience

What’s next? How can CSP’s live up to these continuously changing standards? We are the first to admit that we need our customers to point out what kind of solution will fit their needs. By listening to and learning from our customers and theirs, we are continuously discovering new ways to improve the customer journey. Of course, our work is never truly done, but that’s exactly what’s so great about our job!

Would you like to learn more about our vision on transparent Bill Communication? Our experts are always eager to share their knowledge with the world. Please refer to our contact page for all contact information!

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