News ETIs community gathering

Recap: ETIS Community Gathering 2022 in Rome

23 June 2022 | Laura Broers

June 2-3rd, 2022, our Calvi Business Consultants Rob Vos and Mischa Hendriks took part in the ETIS Community Gathering held in Rome, Italy. After two years of digital-only meetings, it was finally time to see each other in person again with our ETIS family and colleagues! 

In 2022, the ETIS Community Gathering’s central theme was focused on Sustainability. Throughout the duration of the ETIS gathering, it became clear that Telecom IT infrastructures are still leaving a huge carbon footprint and are faced with a large responsibility in order to drive this trend downward. “It was great to see how various CSPs took on the challenge to present their footprint and were aware that they still have a long way to go,” said Mischa Hendriks.  He went on to add that “this event has shown us that the carbon footprint goes beyond simplifying and optimizing operational processes, and comes down to the entire supply chain, and doing business with sustainable parties as well.”

Our Calvi representatives have been part of the Smart Charging and Payments Working Group for over five years. During the ETIS gathering, we touched upon the results of the ETIS Survey and shared exciting and engaging company updates about the customer bill journey. Some of the themes we discussed included: proactive communication, e-Bill, chatbots, and digital pollution. According to Rob, “during the working group workshops, we also spent time talking about bill shock prevention, and it was great to put our heads together to work on a framework towards resolution. Because of this, I’m very excited to build out this concept even further during our next working group session.”

Rob and Mischa returned with plenty of new inspiration and are ready to leverage some of this enthusiasm as well as the acquired learnings from the ETIS gathering into new projects and initiatives over the coming months.




Laura Broers - Marketing Specialist - Calvi - low

Laura Broers, Marketing & Communications Specialist

Laura Broers is Calvi’s Marketing and Communications Specialist, joining Calvi after completing a degree in communications. With her passion for improving the billing experience, Laura is great at putting herself in the customers’ shoes to help CSPs think about how they can improve their billing communications.

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