Bill Presentment

Smarter bills, exceptional experiences

Bills remain one of the top sources of customer frustration and irritation, driving up support costs and slowing payment. Calvi’s Bill Presentment module addresses these issues by allowing customers to manage and analyze their bills via an intuitive portal and customizable dashboard. Calvi’s Bill Presentment module supports fully convergent bill presentment, reducing the effort for customers to process information while making data clearer, more intuitive, and tailored to their needs. The Calvi portal seamlessly integrates with your current self-care portals via industry standards for user authentication, open APIs, and gateway integrations.  

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EBP-Bill Presenment Calvi

Business Benefits

How Calvi enabled Proximus to transform billing experiences

  • Total Billing Convergence - Despite disparate source systems, Proximus customers now enjoy a fully converged and unified billing experience across all products & services.
  • Self-Service – Calvi enables Proximus customers to view and analyze their billing information within one central & intuitive Self-Service dashboard, integrated into the MyProximus Enterprise ecosystem
  • Enhanced Employee Experience – Through Calvi’s impersonation feature, Proximus employees see exactly what the customer does immediately and with improved visibility, thus reducing call & dispute handling time.

Highlighted features

  1. Bill Overview Dashboard - analyze spend by month, product, location, cost center, line of business, etc.

  2. Change Overview - analyze key differences between this month’s bill and previous bills.

  3. Cost Center Reporting - provides slice-and-dice aggregate billing data at a cost center level.

Useful resources